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2014-12-12 01:41
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,大学校园流行语说论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘  要:词汇的变化是当代社会发展、精神文化变迁的1面镜子。改革开放以来,我国的社会、政治、经济及文化生活都发生了巨大的变化。校园作为社会最为敏感的窗口,出现不少具有校园特色,反映大学生精神文化、思想状态的新词语和流行语。本文在搜集了1部分大学生校园流行语的基础上,分析了大学生流行语的类型、特点、运行机制、产生原因,并认为校园流行语作为1种新的语言现象,它的存在在1定程度上可以得到理论上的解释,同时,它本身也存在不可避免的缺陷,我们也不能放任自流。

关键词:大学校园流行语  类型  特点  创新  规范


Abstract: The change of the vocabulary is a mirror of contemporary social development , spiritual culture changed. Since reform and opening-up, the society , politics , economy and culture life in our country have all changed enormously. The campus presents many and has characteristic of campuses as the most sensitive window of the society, reflect university students spiritual culture , new words and popular words of the thought state. This text is on the basis of collecting campus popular words of some university students, have analysed the type , characteristic , operating mechanism of university students popular word, produced the reason, think the popular word of the campus , as a kind of new language phenomenon , its existence can get the explanation in theory to a certain extent, meanwhile, it has an unavoidable defect too itself, we cant let drift either.

Key words: Campus popular word  Type  Characteristic  Innovation  Norm

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