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2014-12-19 02:13
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,英语和汉语中的“时”与“体”怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘  要:本文讨论了现代英语的时间系统和现代汉语的时间系系统,并对其略作比较,以便更好地认识现代汉语的时间系统,促进世界汉语教学的进程。本文主要综述了各语言学家对现代英语时间系统中“时”与“体”的问题,以及现代汉语时间系统中“时”与“体”的问题,试图解决语言分界1直存在的分歧,即现代英语与现代汉语中“时”与“体”的划分分歧,认为现代汉语与现代英语1样,也有“时”的这个范畴。并且把英语和汉语的“体”简单地划分为“进行体”与“完成体”两种,进行比较,认为英语和汉语在很多方面,实际上是同曲异工。
关键词:语法范畴  语义范畴  时  体  进行体  完成体


Abstract: In order to know the time system of contemporary Chinese language better, promote the process of world Chinese teaching. This paper has discussed the time system of contemporary Chinese language and the time system of modern English, and simply makes comparison for them.
This paper has summarized each linguist study which mainly for modern English time system in "tense " with " aspect ", as well as the time system of contemporary Chinese language in " tense" with " aspect", try to solve the existed diverge in language boundary, namely modern English and contemporary Chinese language in " tense" with " aspect" divide divergence, think contemporary Chinese language also has syntactic category of "tense " as the modern English has. And it divides simply the “aspect” of English and Chinese into " perfect aspect "  " continuous aspect ” and “ future aspect ”, compare, it think English and Chinese in very various, is same bent different work actually.

Key Words: syntactic category  semantic domain  tense  aspect 


continuous aspect   perfect aspect

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