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2014-12-17 01:09

摘   要



Word “wei” is an ancient classical Chinese form word, its frequency of utilization is very high among ancient books, it appears 469 times in book Mencius, according to YangBojun’s viewpoint, " wei " does verbs 363 times in book Mencius and makes the form word 106 times. This text will rely on the research theories which our forefathers have done, devide the form word usage of "wei " into six big kinds, namely the preposition usage , the conjunction usage , the adverbial word usage ,the auxiliary word usage, the auxiliary verb usage and the character phrases of “wei” , sorting out and describing separately , expect to give the form word usage of "wei" a semanteme, grammar , language understanding with the stratification plane system.
Key words: Mencius; “wei”; the form word usage


    上一篇:李清照诗词中的柔情与豪情 下一篇:从潘金莲看《水浒传》作者的婚姻观