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关注阅读感受  培养阅读能力

2014-12-15 01:05
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,关注阅读感受  培养阅读能力论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:

摘   要



This text analysis tradition read teaching with read essence and a great deal of phenomena that law violate , point out , result in , read teaching method " say " wind in vogue reason , lie in old idea people excessive to put emphasis on to " know ",neglect student as objective reality to read subject , neglect , read concern that experience to student even more, cause and read the awkward current situation of teaching " little , slow , difference , fee ". Have put emphasis on listening attentively to and combining importance to understand reading experiencing of students: Only pay attention to this teaching link, could lead students to confirm knowing , guarantee conscientiously students practise in abundant , independent Chinese , train students reading effectively, thus facilitate the realization that students talked with text .
Key words: Concern; Feeling of Reading; Reading ability



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