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2014-12-13 01:09
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,从《诗经》到李商隐看古代爱情诗的流变—女性论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘  要:《诗经国风》中的女性大多是现实生活中的女性,她们真实自然,可以说基本上不具含什么象喻性,即使后世的说诗人可以据之以美刺讽喻之说也只是后加的1种比附,而并非其所写之女性形象之本身所具含的特质。南朝宫体爱情诗的女性,则大多为男子目光中所见之女性,大多是被物化的女性,很少有主观感情之投入,诗中的女性只成为1些美丽的被物化了的形象而已。李商隐爱情诗所叙写的女性是他爱情生活际遇中的女性,叙写时以比兴 、用典的手法使女性神化。

关键词:诗经  南朝宫体爱情诗  李商隐  女性  真实自然  物化  神化


Abstract: Most of women of China are women in actual life, they are true naturally , it we can say basically what explaining not alikes there is,even can say later age by poet according to last saying every one adding after being only too than enclosing with thorn not American, women itself house of image written it have speciality that include. Women of the love poem of the palace in the Southern Dynasties, are mostly women of the finding in mans sight , women of materialization , have subjective input of emotion seldom mostly, Women of poem become some a beautiful one image of materialization only. Li Shangying love poem women written to chat he love women, life of fortune, in order to deify more than revitalizing , tactics maid with the allusion quatation while chatting and writing.

Key words: The Book of Songs
The love poem of the palace in the Southern Dynasties
Li Shangying   Women   True naturally   Materialization    Deify

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