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2014-12-15 01:05

摘   要




Human nature-beauty is the clue of the text which expressed by the whole life of "loveing and being loved" leading character Cuicui, locates the time background according to them, the cultural context, the region, from the human nature all really, the human nature all is friendly, the human nature all beautiful three big aspects introduces the concrete fact is the basis, namely from the sincere dear ones, the sincere friendship, the sincere nostalgia elaborates human nature real; From the good human nature, the friendly competition, the good intentions mistake elaborates the human nature friendliness; From the nature harmonious environment, the nature beautiful demon, the chaste romantic love elaborated human nature America, then the elaboration "the border town" the world is different beautiful to the modern metropolis civilization human nature. Appreciates the border town to be happy, the nature, the simple and honorable custom human sentiment.
Keyword: Cuicui; Human nature all true; Human nature all kind; Human nature all beautiful



    上一篇:民族的灵魂与时代的先驱者—鲁迅与普希金之比 下一篇:没有了