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2014-12-14 01:20
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,民族的灵魂与时代的先驱者—鲁迅与普希金之比怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘  要:鲁迅与普希金对民族与时代进行了不断的探寻之后超越了民族与时代,他们不愧为民族的灵魂与时代的先驱者。本文从思想内涵与文学艺术两大方面来分析比较两个伟人的异同。思想内涵包括气质特征、民族性的探究、对民众的态度、方式的选择,文学艺术包括语言风格、创作技巧、感情基调、创作方式。

关键词:鲁迅  普希金  思想   艺术  比较

Abstract: Lu Xun and Pushkin have surmounted the nationality and era after carrying on constant seeking to nationality and era, they deserve to be called national soul and the pioneers of the times. This text comes to analyse with two major respects of literature and art that compare the similarities and differences between two great men from thought intension. Thought intension includes makings characteristic , the choices of probing into , attitude toward people, way of the national characteristic, literature and art including style of the language , artistic technique , emotional fundamental key , way of creating.

Key words: Lu Xun  Pushkin  Thought  Art  Compare



    上一篇:《生命中不能承受之轻》与《倾城之恋》中的女 下一篇:没有了