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2014-12-24 01:55
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,凯瑟琳与蘩漪形象比较样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘  要:凯瑟琳和蘩漪分别是英国女作家艾米莉•勃朗特的小说《呼啸山庄》与中国作家曹禺的话剧《雷雨》中的女主人公,她们都是作家倾心刻画的悲剧形象,她们身上都具有原始的野性,为爱情和自由而献身的精神。本文试从爱情悲剧、悲剧根源以及为何在不同作家笔下会出现个性如此相似的人物3个方面对这两位女主人公进行平行研究。透过这两个人物形象可以看到两位作家都将笔触延伸到关于人性、人的生存困境的探讨,同时也可以看出作家的心路历程对人物形象创作的影响。

关键词:爱情 自由 悲剧 人性


Abstract: Catherine and Fan Yi are woman protagonists in novel Wuthering Heights and modern drama of Chinese writer Cao Yu of British authoress Amely Brownt Thunder respectively, they are all writers cordial tragic image that portray, all have primitive wild nature on them, spirit dedicated oneself to for love and freedom. This text tries from the love tragedy, tragic origin and why will appear individual character similar personage three respect go on parallel research to these two women protagonists so in the works of different writer. Can see through two personage image these two writer extend brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy to about human nature, existence discussion of predicament of people, can find out the influence that the writers mind experience is created to personages image at the same time.

Key words: Love  Freedom  Tragedy  Human nature

    上一篇:从女性形象刻画看《水浒传》的男权意识—《水 下一篇:没有了