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2014-12-22 02:12

摘   要



The emperor of South Tang Li Yu had a double-identity: a king who lost his kingdom to his eremy and a great poet. Because of this special identity and particular life experience, he got rid of the style of Hua Jian Stylistic Poetry form his writing. He expanded the contend and the subject that he wanted to write about and use his true emotion to finish his works so that’s why Li Yu formed a special style of his own. When he lost his kingdom to Song Dynasty, the huge change of form a king to a prisoner let Li Yu totally knew the hardships of life. He put all his regretting and the beautiful memory of past life in his poems to express the hopeless from his heart. 内容来自www.nseac.com
This article centers on discussing Li Yu’s inner world and his styles’ differences after he experienced the huge change of his life, to prove that this incapable king had a great contribution on literature. Li Yu is a great emperor of “South Tang Poem” and the creator of “Song Ci”. His works is a landmark in Chinese literary history.
Key words: Li Yu; spirit growth; fluctuation of literature creation; sentiments; exclusive style


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