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人生如戏  戏如人生—试论张爱玲和她的

2014-12-22 02:11
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,人生如戏  戏如人生—试论张爱玲和她的论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: &n


摘   要





From studies itself focuses, mostly pays great attention to the Zhang Ailing work research the Zhang for 40s the novel creations, to her in Hong Kong and overseas play writing relative neglect, this is disadvantageous the creation path and the achievement which open to the comprehensive understanding. The Zhang Ailing life affection movie, script writing and her literature tracks down the road not only not to disobey, instead unifies her to the picture, the stage, the writing  the response, changes into one kind of comprehensive creation. Her talent can display in the middle of this with nothing left.

Key words: Zhang Ailing; legend; play writing


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