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2014-12-22 02:11
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,浅论刘姥姥的性格怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘   要




As an old woman chosen from the countryside by cao xue qin,grandmother liu came to masion jia to try her luck, to get pretty advantages at expense of other people, people thought she was vulgar, ridiculous and ignorant,thought she came here with country folks fun to scrounge, treated her just for the fun. All that impressions she gave us just because she lived under such a huge differences between rich and poor, without other choice, life decided her action. Her action was ludicrous and laughable, also, pathetic. It was a tragedy of all the peasants. For liu, only through humiliating herself to seek advantage, so that could go on the hard life.however, she faced her status squarely, and gained happiness from her own simple feature. Plus the process of resuing qiao jie, all the fact made a clever, cautious, humourous and kind grandmother, a good at social communications, active and optimistic grandmother. It was she who made the significance of reality in the red masion more profound.


Key words: grand mother liu; character; tragedy; meaning

    上一篇:浅析曹禺戏剧中女性悲剧的根源 下一篇:人生如戏  戏如人生—试论张爱玲和她的