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2014-12-30 01:12
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,猪八戒形象反映的封建社会的农民意识论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘   要




The farmer realizes exists has the different performance to the different individual, but at least may firmly be farmer consciousness is the agricultural civilization product, is the traditional culture important performance. "Monkey" center the zhubajie is a each one nature color thicker image, this is melts the pig, the human nature, the divine nature is a body image. The zhubajie exterior characteristic manifests him is a typical farmer, has the farmer to resemble gruffly is thick, bears hardships and stands hard work the good quality. Also has the farmer to be astute, the wisdom and the experience, for learned from experienced people the enterprise success to make the very big contribution. At the same time, the zhubajie disposition displays another so-called "ordinary peoples life desire", is selfish, plays small sly and corrupt is cheap. Usually "the unfair treatment" uses ones office to redress personal grievances for Sun Wukong to him, this is one kind of bright farmer realizes. (转载自http://zw.nseac.coM科教作文网)
The author basically is him took a good-hearted person image performs firmly, but simultaneously extremely really has written his each kind of disposition flaw. The good and evil coexists the beautiful clown altogether to lift, causes the disposition trend individuality. Some point of we must firmly be in learn from experienced people on the way, the zhubajie realized with he good farmers helps the priests and disciples four people to break through many difficulties, in learned from experienced people in the enterprise to occupy the status which could not be substituted.
Key words: zhubajie; Thought disposition; Behavior; characteristic;
Farmer consciousness


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