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2014-12-28 01:16
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,谈言语交际中的非语言手段论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘  要:人类交流时使用的交际手段可分为语言和非语言两类。非语言手段是指人类在交际过程中,除了语言行为以外的所有的交际手段。包括眼神、微笑、手势、姿势、动作、咳嗽、叹息、唱歌、沉默、衣着、物品等等。凡在交际中能传达信息,实现人际沟通的,除语言以外的各种交际手段都属于非语言手段。本文将着重探讨非语言手段的4大类:体态、行为、非语言声音、伴随物。非语言手段在言语交际中主要起1个辅助作用,使得信息传递更加准确、迅速。特别是在某种言语交流无法实现或不便实现的情况下,非语言手段更是发挥了至关重要的作用,甚至能够代替有声语言独自进行信息交流、情感沟通。

关键词:非语言手段  体态  行为  非语言声音  伴随物

Abstract: The communation means that the mankind uses while exchanging can be divided into a language and not two kinds of languages. It is not the means of the language that means the mankind is in the course of communication, all communation means besides behavior of the language. Including expression in ones eyes , smiling , gesture , posture , movement , coughing , sighing , singing , silence , wearing clothes , article ,etc.. All can transmit information in communication, realize interpersonal communication, various kinds of communation means besides language are not means of the language. This text will probe into four big classes that will not be a means of a language emphatically: Figure, behavior, language voice, follow thing. It is language means that play one auxiliary function mainly among the communication in speech, make the information transmission further more accurate, rapidly. Especially exchange under the unable realizing or inconvenient situation that realizes in a certain speech, only if the means of the language has played an essential role especially, even can replace the sound language and carry on the information interchange , emotion and communicate alone .

Key Words: It is not a means of the language  the figure


the behavior  it is not a sound of the language  follow things

    上一篇:精神的朝圣者与物质的享受者— 安娜与爱玛 下一篇:论张承志小说中的民族文化重构