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2014-12-25 01:46
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,卡门——一朵独特的艺术奇葩怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘  要:本文主要从3个大的方面来解读卡门这1形象。第1部分从吉普塞这个民族入手,单从视觉角度显示出卡门这朵吉普塞这个卑贱民族的苦难之花的不同寻常。她的美来自于民族,却超越了民族的鄙贱卑微。第2部分从卡门追求绝对自由的方面来显示1个精神上桀骜不驯的卡门。第3部分从卡门这种率直、淳朴、剽悍的生机勃勃中,挖掘出她所代表的没有地位的民族相对于1个有地位的民族、社会群体及其文明的冲突,最后通过《卡门》在世界的影响说明了卡门——1朵名副其实的奇特的花。

    关键词:苦难之花  自由鸟  绝美的歌


    Abstract: This text comes to understand this image of Karmen from three great respects mainly. First part Fill from jeep in the nationality start with , demonstrate Karmen the jeep fill. Her U.S.A. comes from the nationality, but it is mean and low and petty and low to surmount the national one. Second part Pursue from Karmen free respect is it show a spirit stubborn and intractable Karmen to come definitely. The third part This kind is forthright from Karmen, honest, a agile and brave one, in being vigorous, is it appear without position nationality she represent to one high-profile nationality, social groups , conflict of civilization to excavate, explained Karmen through the influence in the world of  Karmen  finally——A qualified peculiar flower.

    Key words: Flower of the suffering  Freedom bird   Definitely beautiful song

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