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2014-12-25 01:46
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,加强中学语文教学的语言训练论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘 要:加强语言训练是语文教学的基础和核心。语文学科的性质决定了语文教学要以语言教学为中心,另外,语文教学的社会功能及目前的状况也决定了必须要加强语言训练。而加强语言训练的途径和方法有如下几点:加强朗读和背诵的教学,加强说话能力的教学,老师要注意和改进课堂上的教学方法,语言训练和思维训练相结合。同时,在这个过程中,还要注意以下几点问题:要有明确的目的性,训练的内容要全面,训练的过程要完整。

关键词:语文教学  语言训练


Abstract:It is foundation and core of Chinese teaching to strengthen language training. The nature of Chinese discipline has determined Chinese teaching should regard language teaching as the centre, in addition, the social function of Chinese teaching and present state have determined that must strengthen language training . And the way and method of strengthening language training have the following several points : Strengthening the teaching reading aloud and reciting, strengthen and speak the teaching of ability , teachers should pay attention to and improve the teaching method in the classroom, the language is trained and trained and combined together with thinking . Meanwhile , in this course , still should pay attention to some following questions: There should be clear purpose, the content trained should be overall, the course trained should be intact. 

Key Words:Chinese teaching of middle school  The language training

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