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2015-01-01 01:40
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论湘西文化对沈从文小说的影响怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘  要:湘西文化属于以古楚文化为主体的多民族混合文化,其文化特点主要是重善、尚情、崇巫。对于沈从文来说,个体对文化的适应很大程度上就是文化习俗对个人文化的塑造,湘西文化的影响尤其具有重要的意义,其创作离不开湘西文化的支撑,表现在:重善使小说道出恶的事实,尚情使小说蕴含对人情美、人性美的思考,崇巫使小说洋溢着神性色彩。沈从文通过对湘西文化的远距离审视,从“重善”中寻找生命的诗意,从“尚情”中看到人性的真诚,从“崇巫”中了解环境的神秘性;并通过凸现湘西文化优秀的1面,从而建立起1个理想的湘西世界。

关键词:湘西文化   重善   尚情   崇巫   影响


Abstract: To Shen Congwen, individuals adaptation of culture correctly is moulding to personal culture of cultural custom to a great extent, the influence of the culture of western Hunan especially has important meanings, analyses its novel, it creates support that is due to culture of western Hunan. The culture of western Hunan belongs to a number of nationalities taking ancient Chu Culture as subject and mixes culture, its culture characteristic is mainly heavy and good, still the feeling , high witch , proceed from culture angle of western Hunan, analyse their impact on Shen Congwens novel, show separately: Good at making the novel say the fierce fact again, still the feeling makes the novel contain the thinking American to human feeling , with beautiful human nature , the high witch makes the novel permeated with god color .

Key words: Culture of western Hunan   Heavy and good
Still the feeling   High witch   Influence

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