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2015-01-16 02:17
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,被误读了的《边城》样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘   要



The novel Border Town is modern famous writer Shen Congwens masterpiece. Theorists mostly thought in the past he was full of ambience of pastoral songs , with rich in eastern brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy of ambience describe one soul beautiful and warm Border Town world , one full of " loving " and " beautiful " paradise author. In fact behind this paradise, imply disharmonious note, whom one that is to disharmonious note these intend or have no intention ignore , lead to the fact first reading by mistake biased in Border Town. This text studies in this kind by mistake, read the text from another angle , explore a great deal of disharmonious factors emphatically, contrary to the factor to the properties of the pastoral song , and make deep discussion in producing this kind of reason read by mistake . I think, its disharmonious factor displays in three following respects: The residual backwardness, primitive factor in the society, high priest is not perfect with the disharmonious place of the relation between people and people. Explore a inherent one among the text these but thing that neglect, to read Border Town there is important meaning in an all-round way.


Key words: Read by mistake; Disharmonious factor; Border Town



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