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2015-03-01 01:01
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论《水浒传》中的招安样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘   要



Outlaws of the marsh is one of Chinese nations outstanding cultural heritages, it is in the history first time eulogizes the farmer class struggle and the peasant war work with the novel form. Since many years, the people comment the difference to Outlaws of the marsh to be many, its core question still was "offers amnesty" the question. Accepts offers amnesty is not someone decision, but is all insurrectionary armys political plan, mainly is because the troops fighting in a good cause interior varying degree has loyal Mr. the thought, at the same time, under the specific historical condition, the royal government offered amnesty the policy to become the external reason which offered amnesty. Has offered amnesty, the Liangshan real men have not bestowed titles on the wife and hereditary posts on the descendants, but is dying which dies, the wound wound, specially leader and so on Song Jiang is killed by the wicked personses in power, fell a pitiful result, the author the intention which so describes in the creation offers amnesty is for criticize the wicked persons in power calamity country, the ghost spirit disaster people. The author so describes offers amnesty.It is impure fictionalizes, but has the certain historical basis, is under the certain time background product, also has manifested authors orthodox ideas and the cultural cast of mind. (转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )
Key words: outlaws of the marsh; Offers amnesty; Loyal; Critique; Reason


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