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2015-03-12 02:31

摘   要



Wen Tingyun is a famous poet who lives in late period of Tang. Take female as a topic, describe female world, is the important contents of Wen Tingyuns work. In his opus, almost all phrases(near 70 pieces), the greatly part of mansion poem(about 30pieces), one part of modern-styles(about 50 pieces), all takes this as topic, the quantity has its all works to amount about of 1/3. The two basic characteristics of his female style in his writingwriting are all they have beautiful feature and the infatuated of the love , Wen Tingyun sets off by contrast through the females outward appearance,environment etc. The rhetoric skill depict their heart world, as a result make these images have to appreciate beauty value, reflected the then social system and peoples thought idea in the meantime, have further social meaning. Moreover, Wen Tingyun molds the success of the female image, producing profound influence in describing a female to the posterity literature.
Key words: Wen Ting yun; Female image; Type; Meaning

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