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2015-03-10 01:44
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,浅析作文教学中的美育渗透样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘   要



    Aesthetic education has essential function to peoples life and soul. In order to deepen quality-oriented education, reached in "course standard of Chinese": "Improve students cultural grade and aesthetic temperament and interest , develop the individual character of health, the requirement that form right personality progressively", the aesthetic education of infiltration is unavoidable in the teaching of composition, certainly this is embodiment of we "great Chinese" too. Permeate aesthetic consciousness through composition teaching consciously, help students to widen the visual field , beautify soul, cultivate ones taste, improve and appreciate beauty, distinguish beautiful ability ; Help them to find the truth, good and beauty in life, discern false evil is ugly , stimulate the writing interest, turn passive writing into and create voluntarily, write out the true works. But aesthetic consciousness permeate still enough among real composition teaching, pay attention to mode and light ability, the heavy classroom commits suicide alive, but heavy guidance is commented on lightly. In the face of question these, teaching worker will change the idea soon first of all, will strengthen the consciousness of aesthetic education. The aesthetic education of infiltration in concrete composition teaching, should let students understand the meaning of aesthetic education first, and then pick beauty from in the nature, in life, society from guiding students, and then create the situation and lead students to comprehend beautifully, in this way students have writing materials that can begin to start writing —— Appear beautifully, and the modification, polishing that carry on after the composition —— It is essential links too to recreate beauty.


    Key words: Composition teaching; Beauty; Esthetic education

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