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2015-03-08 01:46
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论贾府的四大丫头论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘   要



    Dream of the Red Chamber is the most outstanding lengthy traditional novel in the Chinese literature. In all Chinese classical novels, no one like Dream of the Red Chamber write so many vivid characters. When you read it, its character images will not be dismissed from you mind for a long time. Dream of the Red Chamber was considered a novel which could let you understand the ancient china woman tragic fates. It created many roles of all kinds of woman model, even if some types of lower level servant girl .these characters portray also have been poured into the hard work of writer, so these characters are profound. Yuanyang、Pinger、Xiren、 Zijuan are four big servant girls in the novel, although they are not major roles, but actually have the vital role for content structure of the entire book and have thoughtful integrity. These girls have independent thought and the perfect personality. we may see Yuanyang resisted in marrying the old host and so on, behind a series of staunch behaviors, it shows thorough her marrow servile consciousness; Pinger is Xifeng Wangs primary assistant, but her treated people and handled matters still maintaining she fair genial principle, she is a quiet but special girl. Xiren have suffered common peoples censure accusation, but she is a smart and gentle girl, what she wanted was just being loved and a kind of stable peaceful life, these are simple desire. The female servant Zjuan had looked after noble lady Daiyu Lin. But she is not merely a supporting role. The novel reflects she is a girl who is cute、selfless、honest、and thoughtful.


    Key words: Dream of the Red Chamber; Four big servant girls; Servility; Revolt; Embarrassed

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