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2015-03-06 01:22

摘   要



In Shakespeares tragedy work, has many is take the female as the angle of view, their image and the significance until now all extremely have the research value Therefore had many scholars to do the massive research to these leading ladies. This article also attempts to the Shakespeare tragedy work in several leading ladies conduct the research. The author believed that, only has through makes the summary and the classification to Shakespeares four big tragedies, then draws the conclusion, only then can make the thorough system to Shakespeares feminine view the explanation, performs the further elaboration and the research to the feminine status and the survival condition. Therefore, this article main research mentality is, divides into the Shakespeare tragedy in multitudinous feminine image Mary with the Eve two kinds, demonstrated these two kind of females in male power society behavior and the unfortunate bitter experience, thoroughly analyzes them the reason which persecutes, thus discusses obtains, formulates in the male power society under feudal morals and standard, female no matter is wants to the male power society to meet as an equal, or obeys the morals under the shackles actually unfortunate to consider has violated this moral standard, similarly is all difficult to run away the destiny which is punished by the male power society, Thus manifests the male power consciousness to the feminine deterrent strength and the lethality.


Key words: tragic works; women; the society of man control; Feudal morals and standard   

    上一篇:《水浒传》中的两种忠义观—以宋江、李逵为例 下一篇:没有了