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2015-03-03 02:05
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论企业秘书的沟通技巧样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘   要



    As an enterprise secretary the personnel, facing the present complex social relations, wants to obtain the harmony, the harmonious relationship between superior and subordinate, the friend relations as well as the diplomatic relation day by day, essential has a most basic ability communication ability. The communication is solves all question foundation, the character is not multi-purpose, but does not have it not to be able actually, grasps certain communication skill the personnel especially to be important to secretary. This article embarks from the reality, has discussed the communication definition and the communication ability importance initially, the example has lifted secretary the personnel in the work several effective communication skills, and from strengthens the self-tutelage, is good at with the human communicating many, for opposite party considered and so on several aspects elaborated how raises the correct communication idea, thus expands the communication manages in the enterprise or the organization the significance
    Key words: Business enterprise; Secretary work; Communication; Technique


    上一篇:回旋性与三部性的巧妙结合 下一篇:没有了