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摘 要
As one of the most famous novelists in Chinese classica litrature, Pu Songling lived a life of trepidations and dashed hopes. His frustrations influenced his writing a great deal.In his lifetime,nothing but liteary creation could console his disgruntled soul.Reading his short stories,we can easily find the female images played an important role in re-establishing his ideal life as well as relieving his stress and burden.As the most famous collection of short stories in Chinese classical literature,the book present us varions radiant female characters.The paper tends to presont four types of female images from the book.The first type is the images with superpower spirits,travelling to an fro detween netherworld and earthlyworld. The secong type is the common females in ordainary life.And the third one is the against the feudal ethical codes.The last type is about those great women who surpass the males in their wits and wisdoms. (科教作文网http://zw.NSEaC.com编辑发布)
Key words: Pu Songling; Ghost Stories; female imge; antifeudal ethics; Analytical research