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2015-04-03 02:35
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,我国对外汉语教学的主体——论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:    摘   要



摘   要



Along with our country international standing enhancement, more and more foreigners need to study Chinese, this need more people are engaged in the teaching Chinese as a foreign language. At present Chinese promotion is being in the rare development opportunity time, we must correctly grasp Chinese international dissemination work the policy, earnestly carefully plans the teaching Chinese as a foreign language the development strategy, draws up the practical and feasible development plan, and work carefully and make steady progress performs to carry out. This article has first studied our country foreign Chinese teachers present situation, discovered our country foreign Chinese teacher is very scarce, but the teacher itself quality also still had to strengthen unceasingly with the enhancement. To the foreign Chinese teachers basic quality, the working ability, as well as improve its service quality the strategy to conduct the research to discover my teaching Chinese as a foreign language enterprise the development although has obtained the extremely prominent achievement, but along with the international new situation arrival and the later development, we will have to strengthen and to improve own quality unceasingly, will meet the new challenge, thus will consummate our country teaching Chinese as a foreign language enterprise unceasingly!


    Key words:Teaching Chinese as a foreign language; teacher; quality;working ability; strategy  


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