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2015-04-28 01:18
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论《飘》中思嘉的女性意识样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要   


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Gone with the wind Does for American female writer Marguerite•Mitcher. Her only work Gone with the wind as soon as passed through is published has then become in the American novel the most best-selling work. The main description is in the war age heroines life, the emotion experience and the innermost feelings experience, have the rich complex female to realize Gone with the wind had been through repeatedly for dozens of years already to capture the classics position. Therefore can obtain laudatory name of the classics, main source in work several leading characters images appearing: Heroine Scarlet`s, she originally is in particular the lady of a renowned family actually depth economy and the sentimental difficult position, but ever to poverty-stricken does not lower the head, she unwilling is mediocre, tries hard to develop advances boldly, inflexible the pursue, has realized the feminine self- value. Occupies in the Civil War, she, for reaches the goal to resort to all means, is an indomitable feminine image, she dares to like, to dare to hate, to dare to do, to dare for, to dare to break the convention vulgar customs, has the new times feminine idea. 本文来自中国科教评价网
    Key words:Scarlets image; inflexible; Love view; Marital view; Feminine consciousness


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