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2015-05-28 02:04
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论网络小说的优势及其缺陷怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:  摘   要 网络表达的自由


摘   要





The freedom of network expresssion brings a kind of unprecedented release sense to writing person, it has richened the field of vision of people, has aroused the creative desire of people, gives "novel" this kind of literature pattern with new creative opportunity. Creative main part and the openness because of network literature symbolism and the fictitiousness of role conversion as well as text, make language, feelings and the content of network novel and it is nominal present maximum advantage, is at the same time a kind of emergent novelty, it also has certain defect on creative motivation, sesthetic psychology as well as sesthetic orientaton. However colorful polychrome network novel still has cannot overlook development prospect and meaning, is the network culture in the future richen with deep make it deserved contribution.
Key words: the network novel; grows the background; advantage; blemish; the development the foreground



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