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摘 要:网络文学是随着互连网而出现的,网络作为网络文学的载体使得网络文学表现出新颖性、时效性和交互性等方面的特点。网络文学的创作主体,接受主体、语言等方面都体现出平民化特征,从创作目的看网络文学创作更体现出非功利性,是1种自娱的行为,网络文学的评论出现溃散的趋势,这些都对文学新秩序提出了新的构建。作为1种全新的文学样式不可避免的对传统文学产生冲击和影响。本文试图从这些方面进行探讨
关键词:网络文学 非功利 自娱
Abstract: Online literature appears with Internet, the network makes online literature demonstrate the characteristic in such respects as emergent novelty, prescroption and interaction ,etc. as the carrier of online literature. The creation subject of online literature, accept such respects as the subject, language,etc. and all embody the popular characteristic, think from purpose of the creation network literary creation it embodies to be utility still more, one behavior that please oneself, the comment of online literature appears the defeated and dispersed trend, all these propose the liking of readers to new order of literature, produce striking and influence on traditional literature as a kind of brand-new literature design is unavoidable. New construction. This text attempts to carry on the discussion from these respects.
Key words: Online literature It is not the utility Please oneself