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2015-06-07 01:40
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,根植生活的生命之花—从安娜论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘  要:站立世界文学之林的叛逆女性中,安娜与


摘  要:站立世界文学之林的叛逆女性中,安娜与思嘉的形象给读者以深刻的印象。她们历经了艰辛的叛逆之路,形成了不同的悲剧结局。她们的悲剧原因取决于各自的环境与心态。我们从后者身上可以探讨出1些更积极的意义,那就是在与命运地比拼中,只有立足生活,让自身命运与现实生活同呼吸,同发展,我们才不会把自身局限在生活世界某1方面的狭隘圈子里,我们才会让生命之花在生活的洪流中开放得更灿烂,更美丽。

关健词:贵族   叛逆   战争   生活   生命


Abstract: Stand rebel of forest , world of literature among the women , with think good image leave the deep impression on readers Ana. They go through the hard rebels way, have formed different tragic final results. Their tragic reason depends on ones own environments and psychologies . We can probe into out some more positive meanings from the latter, that is in piecing together compared with destiny, only base on life, let ones own destiny and actual life breathed together, with development, we will not confine oneself to the world narrow circle in a certain respect of life , we will just let the flower of the life be more magnificently open in the mighty torrent of life , more beautiful. 

Key words: Noble Rebel  against  War  Live   Life


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