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2015-06-05 02:33
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,毛泽东与杜甫的诗史比较样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘  要:毛泽东和杜甫是中国诗坛上的两位伟大诗


摘  要:毛泽东和杜甫是中国诗坛上的两位伟大诗人,其诗作都具有强烈的艺术震撼力,他们的诗歌都因以诗笔为史笔而堪称诗史。同时,2人的创作又因时代影响和不同的个性特征而存在着艺术上的区别。

关键词:毛泽东   杜甫   诗史


Abstract: Mao Zedong and Du Fu are two radiant stars in the field of Chinese poetry, because of they poetries have sensuous of artist,they all take the poem pen as the truthful historical style of writing, reflect the history, promulgate the time mood ,so their poetries be called the poetry of historical significance. At the same time, under the time influence and the obvious individuality characteristic the creations of Mao and Du have diatance in artistic achievement.

Key Words: Mao Zedong   Du Fu   Poetry of historical


    上一篇:失火的伊甸园—《简.爱》与《 下一篇:民族的灵魂与时代的先驱者—