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2015-06-04 02:33
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,罪恶与死亡——论余华小说中论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘  要:210世纪810年代以来,余华的小说常常呈现


摘  要:210世纪810年代以来,余华的小说常常呈现出1种与现实的紧张关系,罪恶、暴力与死亡的叙述成为他文学创作的重要特色。作者通过塑造1个由怪诞、罪恶、阴谋、死亡、神秘、暴力交织而成的幻觉世界,冷静的、不动声色的甚至是轻松的将笔下的人物1群群抛入绝望的深渊。到了910年代,余华的创作风格明显改变,尽管文本仍充斥着死亡与暴虐残忍,仍带有悲观色彩,但往昔梦幻神秘的感觉已经消退,也摆脱了那阴暗的氛围,从虚幻的天空回落到了现实的大地,对现实充满着温情的呼唤。由此可见,对罪恶与死亡的残酷的悲剧性描写决非余华内心的真正向往,而是作者所采取的1种极端和隐喻的方式对现实对社会对人生苦难的痛切的关注。

关键词:余华  罪恶  死亡  暴力  人生苦难  悲观主义


Abstract: Since the eighties of the 20th century, Yu Huas novel has often demonstrated one kind and realistic tense relation, the narrations of crime , violence and death become the important characteristic of his literary creation. Through mould one by weird , crime , conspiracy , death , mystery , violence interweave and illusion world that succeed author, a calm , does not speak and reveal ones feelings one will be even relaxed personages in the works will throw several crowds ofly into the desperate abyss . By the 1990s, Yu Huas style of creating obviously changed, though the text was still packed with the death and brutal and cruel, still have pessimistic color , but the dreamlike and mysterious feeling has already disappeared in the past, have get rid of that dark atmosphere too, has fallen back to the realistic earth from the unreal sky, call heart-warming to reality. Therefore, the cruel tragic description of the crime and death is not the real yearning for Yu Huas heart , but one extreme and way reality between society and life concern with intense sorrow of suffering correctly correctly of metaphor author take.

Key words: Yu Hua   Crime   Death   Violence (科教论文网 lw.nseaC.Com编辑发布)
Suffering in life   Pessimism


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