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2015-06-12 02:05
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,试论梁启超与徐志摩的师徒关系样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘  要:在中国近代史上徐志摩以其优美的诗文和


摘  要:在中国近代史上徐志摩以其优美的诗文和凄婉的爱情闻名于世,作为思想界泰斗梁启超所收的最后1名入室弟子,徐志摩1生必然要受到梁启超的影响。本文试图通过梁启超对徐志摩的政治理想、文学理想的影响以及他们之间婚恋观的对峙来展示徐志摩思想、人格、气质的1个侧面,同时通过这种个案分析,来认识中国晚清末年到民国初年中国知识分子政治思想、文学价值观念以及伦理道德观的变迁。

关键词: 徐志摩  梁启超  师徒关系  思想继承  婚恋观


Abstract: Xu Zhimo is well-known with its beautiful poetic prose and plaintive love in Chinas modern history, as the last advanced student whom Liang Qichao , authority of thought circle , accepted, Xu Zhimo must be influenced by Liang Qichao in all ones life. This text attempts to pass the political ideal to Xu Zhimo of Liang Qichao, the face-off of the marriage temple come to show Xu Zhimos thought , a side of personality , makings between the influence and they with ideal literature, plant case analysis through this at the same time , is it know China Qing reach the Republic of China the early years political ideology , literature values and changes , ethics of moral concept , intellectual of Chinese , last years late to come.

Key words: Xu Zhimo   Liang Qichao   Master-apprentice relation
The thought is inherited   Marriage view


    上一篇:试论陶渊明孤独情感的表现与 下一篇:论中国古典诗歌中的“水”意