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2015-06-13 01:21
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,加强中学生听说能力的培养在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:  摘  要:听和说是人的1种生理、心理活动,是现代


摘  要:听和说是人的1种生理、心理活动,是现代社会每个人都必须具备的1种语文能力。同时,听说能力的发展也可以促进读写能力的发展。对听话能力的培养有很多方面:首先,要集中注意力,学会听音辨调,并区分内容主次,理清头绪。更要理解对方话语中深层次的含义,在听时,以语言和姿态做出适当反应。而说话能力培养方面,要教会学生,在准确的发音以及运用合适的音调的基础上传达信息,同时在头脑中适当地组织要表达的内容,根据不同的场合和对象进行灵活运用。并用表情、姿态等加以辅助。方法多种多样,交际能力的培养也非朝夕,关键要在情境中培养学生听和说的兴趣,利用创新思想,采用各种方面,真正使听说产生互动,提高学生的交际水平。

关键词:听话   说话   听说能力


Abstract: Listening and speaking is a kind of physiology, psychological activity of the peoples, is a kind of Chinese ability that modern social everybody must possess. Meanwhile, it is said the development of ability can be promoted and read the development which is written ability too. There are a lot of aspects to the cultivation of listening ability: First of all, should concentrate attention, learn to listen to the sound to distinguish and adjust, distinguish content primary and secondary, put the main threads in order. It while hearing, make the proper response with the language and posture to understand the other sides profound meaning in words even more. For the aspect of training speaking ability, the teacher should teach students to transmit information on the basis of accurate pronunciation and suitable tone of application, at the same time the content that the tissue should be expressed in the head properly, be used flexibly according to different occasion and target And assist or embellish with expression, posture, etc. Method varied, cultivation for communication of ability is too daily, the key is it trains students interest of listening and speaking among situation through innovative thought, and really make listening and speaking to produce interaction through various kinds of methods for improving students communication level.

Key words: Obedient   Speak   Hear of ability



    上一篇:论张承志小说中的民族文化重 下一篇:论《史记》中程度副词“颇”