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2015-06-15 01:06
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论平江方言的代词论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考:  摘  要:平江方言,由于地域和其它原因,保留了


摘  要:平江方言,由于地域和其它原因,保留了很多中国古代语言的因素特别是中古音的成分。平江方言内部构成复杂,大概可以归纳为4个小方言区,每个方言区由于历史形成的年代和受周边环境的影响不同,又各具特色.平江方言有“10里3音”的说法.代词与其它语法体系比较是1个较为封闭的系统,可以做穷尽性的列举。本文将按代词的习惯性分法:人称代词、疑问代词、指示代词,从这3方面对平江方言的代词系统做1个全面的论述,从而构拟平江方言代词的底层系统。

关键词:平江方言   人称代词   指示代词   疑问代词


Abstract: Pingjiang dialect just is placed in the low-bottom position in diverse language system in China. But because of region and other reason, it reserved a lot of language factors of Chinese ancient times, especially the rhyme of Tang and Song . Comparied with other grammar systems, the system of pronoun is closed and all can be enumerated. From the habitual method, the paper will divide it into three parts: person pronoun, demonstrative pronoun and suspect pronoun .From this three aspects the paper will discuss the use of pronoun in Pingjiang dialect and design the system of the pronoun in Pingjiang dialect.

Key words: Pingjiang dialect   Person pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun   Suspect pronoun


    上一篇:论王维诗歌的诗禅融合 下一篇:论常德方言