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2015-07-21 01:37
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,感受《白鹿原》中浩瀚的女性论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要 《白鹿原》以白


摘   要



The work Bai Lu Plain take is the White and the Lu two families, three generation of peoples life courses s a master line, on perspective Guan Zhong farmers body nationalitys survival pursue and cultural spirit, also outlines Bai Lu Plains people to live shape and the point of view modern times, the modern historical development path, it is an epic poem work. Novel although by no means a woman special history, but only simply outlines as well as the side from these reflected fully had demonstrated lived the characteristic under then social environment female, they not equal social position and suffers the misfortune, constituted a each one feminine tragedy picture. Has the main feminine characters tragedy also to have the secondary feminine characters tragedy, has marital, the love tragedy also has the birth, the disposition tragedy, their tragedy of all forms, mutually interwove in the same place constituted a feminine elegy symphony. The reason of create their tragedy come from many aspects: has on the patriarchal clan the low status, the cultural tradition regarding the feminine contempt and the self- contempt, deficiently shows loving concern degenerates into the nature to give vent to the tool and so on. (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)
Key words: Bai Lu Plain; Feminine character; Tragedy


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