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2015-08-02 01:39
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,论秘书的职业道德建设论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要 秘书工作作为现


摘   要



    So-called occupation morals, is a personnel to point to be engaged in the some occupation common accredit of and the incumbency industry activity inside should aware of self the behavior standard of the observance and norm.But one of the modern social the most extensive and social occupation in conduct and actions in work in secretaries, rises in modernly management with economic activities important function, it is not only a post to establish in a organization, but also in business enterprise unit, social group role, more important it can lends support to lead directly, helping its build up and direct, manage the work with handles completely usually business.Therefore, It is necessary to enhance the secretarial occupation morals developments power.
    Key words: Secretary; Occupation; Morals developments


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