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2015-08-07 01:07
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,《世说新语》反义复词试探怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:  摘   要 《世说新语》的


摘   要

《世说新语》的中反义复词比起先秦文献有明显的增加,作用也越来越重要。从两个语素的意义关系看,有非A即B、非A未必B和AB相向3种关系类型。从两语素的位置看,与现代汉语相比,3种情况:1是古今都只有AB式 ;2是AB式、BA式《世说》中并存,现代汉语只存AB式 ;3是古今AB式、BA式并存。从词性构成看,名词构成有名+名、动+动和形+形3种;动词构成有动+动、名+名和形+形3种;形容词构成仅有形+形1种。从语义构成看,有本义+本义、引申义+引申义和本义+引申义3种。反义复词偏义用法的形成是语言内部原因和外部原因共同作用的结果。


The antonymous compounds have obviously increased than XianQin’s books in Shi Shuo Xin Yu, the compounds’ functions have become more and more important too.
From the meaning relation between two morphemes, they have not A is B, not A is not B and conversely AB three types. From the order between two morphemes, and compared with contemporary Chinese, have three types: The first is that ancient Chinese and and contemporary Chinese both have AB type; the second is that the AB t type and BA type both have in Shi Shuo’s time and AB type only in contemporary Chinese. The third is that ancient Chinese and contemporary Chinese both have AB type and BA type. From the constitution between two words, the nouns consist of noun + noun, verb + verb and adjective + adjective; the verbs consist of verb + verb, noun + noun, adjective + adjective; the adjectives consist of only have adjective +adjective. From the meaning of words, have original meaning + original meaning, extended meaning + extended meaning, original meaning + extended meaning three types. The antonymous compounds of meaning-focused  were caused by internal factor together with exterior factor in Chinese. (转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )
Key words: Shi Shuo Xin Yu; antonymous compound; type; characteristic; causal


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