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2015-08-22 01:09
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,“大小谢”山水诗创作异同论论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料:  摘   要 谢灵运和谢朓是


摘   要



Xie Lingyun and XieTiao, the vanward authors of landscape poem of China, had produced far-reaching force to the poetry of landscape. Their poems had  differentiae, including creative general picture and originality of similarities and differences.
First, It was the same between the description of landscape and language style. they all paid attention to colorific decorations in the description of landscape and worked at something with special care. They regarded antitheses of tone and rhyme, used double sentences. Thus, we know that Xie Tiao was inherited from Xie Lingyun. (科教范文网http://fw.ΝsΕΑc.com编辑)
Secondary, the heterogeneities of their poems was the structure and language style. Xie Lingyun paid attention to comparability in the articles. Another Xie paid attention to characters and landscape. In the structure, Xie Lingyun was the three segment structure and Xie Tiao took care orderly ways. In the language style, Xie Tiao was differed from Xie Lingyun in particularity ways. Thereout, Xie Tiaos landscape poetry was based and developed on Xie Lingyuns. This was which we will discuss in our thesis.
Key words: Xie Lingyun; XieTiao; Landscape Poem; Differentia


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