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2015-08-29 01:08
导读:语言文学论文毕业论文,现代教育技术与传统语文教学样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:  摘   要    


摘   要

    随着时代的发展和科学技术的进步,现代教育技术手段也不断提高,210世纪人类科学技术的最伟大的成果之1--计算机多媒体技术和网络技术被引入教育教学中,以多媒体、网络化、信息化为标志的现代教育技术正在语文课堂上逐渐推广使用,它开辟了语文教学感受与语文教学方式多样化的广阔空间,大大丰富了教学资源,改变了传统教学模式的单1和乏味,给语文教学带来了新气象、新机会和新方法,使语文教学活动在整体上得到提升,有助于提高语文教学活动的成效。现代教育技术给语文教学搭建了两个平台:多媒体平台和网络平台。多媒体教学手段以文字、图形、图像、动画、视频和声音显示教学信息,将很多大容量的抽象的知识具体化、直观化,加强了可视效果,以其单位课时的大信息量、图文并茂、丰富多彩的人机互动方式等受到广大师生的青睐。它打破了传统语文教学“以教师为中心”“以知识为中心”“以课本为中心”的模式,教师由传统教学中的中心地位、知识权威变成学生学习的启发者、引导者、参与者,学生由原来的知识容器变为学习主体,成为知识的建构者,更好地体现了教师的主导和学生的主体作用。而网络环境下的语文教学则以其丰富翔实的资料开拓延展了语文学习的内涵和外延,使得教师的讲解不再是学生获取知识的惟1途径。学生的语文学习方式也由原来的“被动接受、模仿再现、封闭读书”转变为“主动参与、合作交流、探究发现”。因而利用现代教育技术进行语文教学已成为教学的1种方向、1项任务。本文主要论述了现代教育技术的发展概况、在传统语文教学中的作用以及与传统语文教学相结合的原则与具体方法。 (科教论文网 Lw.nsEAc.com编辑整理)


    With the development of the times and the advancement of science and technology, modern educational techniques are also rising, one of the 20th century science and technology of mankinds greatest achievements -- computer multimedia technology and network technology are introducted into education and teaching, to multimedia, networking, information signs into modern educational technology is  gradually promoting the use in the language classroom, It opened up a language teaching and language teaching experience forms the vast space and greatly enrich teaching resources, change the traditional teaching model single and repetitive, it has brought new weather, new opportunities and new ways into the teaching of language as a whole have been upgraded to improve language teaching activities of the results. Modern education technology to language teaching erection of two platforms : multimedia platform and network platform. Multimedia teaching tools for text, graphics, images, animation, video and voice information that teaching will be many large-capacity abstract knowledge specific, visualization, and enhanced visual effects, with the largest unit volume hours, pictures, and colorful computer interaction methods favored by the teachers and students. It broke the traditional language teaching "teacher-centred" and "knowledge-based" "textbooks for the center" model teachers from the traditional teaching of the center, the authority of knowledge into students learning initiator, guiding persons, participants, students from learning knowledge containers into the main body of a knowledge building, better reflect the teachers and students led the main role. Network environment and the language teaching is to develop its rich informative information that the language learning content and outreach, making teachers on students to acquire knowledge is no longer the only way. Students are also learning the language from the original "passive acceptance, copied again, closed school" into "active participation, cooperation and exchange, research found." Education and the use of modern technology in the teaching of language teaching has become a direction, a task. The main exposition of the development of modern education technology profiles, the role of the traditional language teaching and language teaching combined with traditional principles and specific methods.

(科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)

    Key words: Modern educational technology; Traditional language teaching; Cai   Combination


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