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2013-05-14 02:14
导读:计算机软件论文毕业论文,VB学生档案管理系统设计软件毕业论文怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:  摘 要 《学生学籍档案管理系统》是采用VISAUL BASI

 摘 要

《学生学籍档案管理系统》是采用VISAUL BASIC6.0开发的一个数据库管理系统。本设计说明书主要讲述了VISAUL BASIC6.0的基本功能及设计方法。紧接着以本系统为例,逐一介绍开发本系统系统的步骤:系统分析、系统设计、系统实现、系统维护。在系统分析中先后用数据流图、数据字典、系统的功能结构图分析了系统所需的各种数据。在系统的设计中,详细的展现了系统的各个功能模块。所需的数据库表及表字段。菜单的设计等。在系统的实现中,给出了实现表单中相应的功能控件的事件及代码。以及菜单实现的方法。文章的最后则给出了本系统的主要功能源代码。


 关键字:面向对象 档案  档案管理   VISAUL BASIC6.0

Administrative system of the student information " adopts a data base management system that VISAUL BASIC6.0 developed . This design instruction has told the basic function of VISAUL BASIC6.0 and design method mainly .This design instruction has told the basic function of VISAUL BASIC6.0 and design method mainly. And then take this system as an example , recommend developing the step of this system one by one: Network analysis , designs systematically , realizes systematically , safeguards systematicallying. Successively with dataflow picture, data dictionary, function structure chart various kinds of datum analyticl system take of system in network analysis. In the design of the system, detailed each function module which has represented the system. Necessary database form and literary name section. Design of the menu ,etc.. In the realization of the system, provide and realize the incidents and codes of the corresponding function controlling part among forms. And the method that the menu realize. Provide the main function source code of this system at the end of the article. This system has data entry , the data are stored, file inquiry, such functions as the report form is typed, the interactive interface friendship of the system. The systematic function is overall, it is a characteristic that is originally designed that users are easy to operate.

 Key words: Face the target  library  Administrative system of the student information   VISAUL BASIC 6.0


摘 要... 2

Abstract. 2

第一章.  概述... 6

1.1 开发学生档案管理系统的意义:... 6

1.2可行性研究:... 7

1.2.1目的:... 7

123.2经济上可行性:... 7

1.2.3 技术上可行性:... 7

1.3.4 运行上可行性:... 8

1·4、VISUAL BASIC6.0简介... 8

第二章  系统分析... 11

2.1学校结构组织结构图... 11

2.2学校工作的业务流程图... 11

2.3新系统的设计目标和设计思想... 13

2.4 系统开发和运行环境:... 14

2.5 系统功能分析... 14

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