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The Development of Mobile Internet Browser Based on 3G Netwo(3)

2013-09-16 01:13
导读:e transplanted to the browser in a wide variety of embedded devices, while providing a variety of client in the network storage and computing the corresponding services. Users can browser through a wi
e transplanted to the browser in a wide variety of embedded devices, while providing a variety of client in the network storage and computing the corresponding services. Users can browser through a wide variety of computing and the resources available.

  Mobile end-users access the network through a browser, to enjoy the services provided by cloud computing, small-screen mobile phone's browser to the user whether the operation of an excellent experience and visual experience is directly related to the service user loyalty. "Software as a Service" is a concept advocated by cloud computing, cloud computing for the mobile Internet has added an infinite number of possible. When the clouds come with all the services, the browser will gradually replace the operating system, "the browser is the future of the operating system"

  4. Conclusion

  3G era of Chinese telecommunications is coming,there will be a explosive growth of mobile internet in China,The quality of mobile internet will be one of the key points in the development of Mobile internet.

  5. References

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