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基于Java Struts框架和工作流技术的Web应用开发

2014-08-18 01:24
导读:计算机网络论文论文,基于Java Struts框架和工作流技术的Web应用开发怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:毕业

基于Java Struts框架和工作流技术的Web应用开发
摘 要 本文从Struts技术入手,以1个ERP系统-人事管理系统为实例,中间穿插了工作流技术的实现。
关键词 Struts; ERP; MVC; MySQL; JSP; 工作流技术;
The Web Application on the Tech of Java Struts and WorkFlow
Abstract The article is beginning with Struts tech,based on an example of ERP system-Personal Management System,with the fulfilling of WorkFlow tech in it.
People can know structure of Struts tech and WorkFlow tech according to this system.The MVC design model,the JSP tech and MySQL database is used in the system.It has fulfilled the dynamic active with the customer and the system,the artical has described the tech in details. The system has provided a typical paltform on Personal Management System,the manager can log on and manage these modules,each of them is the same on the design model and also the fulfilling methods.The article describes the design model and the fulfilling methods on a module most.
Keywords Struts ;ERP; MVC; MySQL; JSP; WorkFlow;

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