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2013-08-31 01:09
导读:数学论文毕业论文,铁矿生产车辆安排的优化模型论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘要



关键词: 车辆安排;铁矿;目标法;理想点法


  This paper study that iron mine produce of the deal with rolling stock , what is studied, utilize minimum resources to consume and make the ideal output to require . the core problem is lots of objective optimize , the key is lots of objective optimize translate an objective optimize .Build two model , put to use two method that main objective and ideality dot to solve problem .
  We are directed principle one , build lots of objective optimize of model , and use main objective method , ideality dot method to take the lots of objective wrong linearity problem to an objective linearity problem , give a fast algorithm . Useing this algorithm can beg the min total : seven ounce of forklift tractor shorel , fourteen ounce of car . The specific data see this paper . (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)
  For the principle two , we build a model two , and use method of more optimize to take the  lots of objective wrong linearity problem to an objective linearity problem , and can beg total : seven ounce of forklift tractor shorel , twenty ounce of car in the condition of satisfied max total . The specific data see this paper .
  In the model of examine , use calculating the cars of utilizationratio to test model . For this , we know the model have characteristice of small operation , easy examine and innovation .

Key words :The vehicle arranges; Iron Mine;Ideality dot;Main objective

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