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2013-09-15 01:30
导读:数学论文毕业论文,经典席位分配模型的分析与评价样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 经典



Classic model of the distribution of seats Analysis and Evaluation

Abstract:Along with the rapid scientific and technological development, the mathematical model plays an important role in modern production. The research of distribution of seats is a very common kind of resource allocation problems in everyday life. Its goal is to distribute resources in a fair and reasonable way for large group and small group. Deal with these problems, the key is to establish a correct description of the mathematical model to all the resources which maybe unfair and changes. The paper proposes a mathematical model and its characteristics; Then the classic representation of the mathematical model study and the classic problem of the distribution of seats Several mathematical model and analyze their own strengths and weaknesses. Finally, the examples show these models, we will solve the issue of the distribution of seats, and how to choose representation model for a reference.


Keywords: distribution of seats; mathematical model; model analysis; model evaluation

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