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2013-09-23 01:10
导读:数学论文毕业论文,n阶方阵的m次方根论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: n阶


摘  要:在本文中,作者首先利用Cayley-Hamilton 定理讨论2阶方阵在什么情况下有平方根,若有的话,有多少,并且如何去求出其全部平方根;然后利用2阶方阵的Jordan标准型给出2阶方阵的所有 次方根;最后给出了复数域内n阶方阵存在m次方根的充分条件.
关键词:复数域;2阶方阵;平方根;Jordan标准型; n阶矩阵的m次方根

The m-th Roots of Square Matrices of Degree n

Abstract: In this paper,firstly,the author uses Cayley-Hamilton’ theorem to discuss the 2-th roots of square matrices of degree 2, if the 2-th roots of square matrices exist,the author will give all 2-th roots of square matrices of degree 2 .Secondly,by using the Jordan form of square matrices,the author gives all  -th roots of square matrices of degree 2.Lastly, the paper presents the sufficient conditions of the existence of  -th roots of  square matrices of degree n.
Key words:Plural field; Square matrices of degree 2; Square  roots; Jordan form;  -th roots of  square matrices of degree n.

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