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2013-09-28 01:12
导读:数学论文毕业论文,利用改进遗传算法求解方程组论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘要



Improvement genetic algorithms for solving equation group


 Choice, cross and variation are the main operators of the genetic algorithms, which constitute the so-called genetic operation. The paper give an improvement project of the genetic algorithms. That is :if both of the two children’s flexibility are smaller than their father’s in the choice operation, than cancel the choice; and in the genetic operation, several positions for each father are changed one by one ,if the children’ flexibility is bigger than his father’s, than variating ,otherwise does not happen. This kind of method has been proved that it can make the heredity always go in the perfect direction, the algorithms avoid sinking into dead circulation, and the convergence speed is very quick by using it in solving equations.
Keywords: genetic algorithms; genetic operation; solving equations; improvement genetic algorithms; optimization

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