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2013-09-25 01:07
导读:数学论文毕业论文,近几年高考数学试题的创新特点及启示样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 近几


摘 要:近几年来各地数学高考不断改革,高考命题专家积极探索试题的创新设计,针对高考的改革,本文主要探讨了近几年来各地高考数学命题的6个创新特点,创新试题着力考查学生的学习能力、应用能力、探究能力、创新能力和综合素质.根据高考创新命题的特点,本文引发了对中学数学教学的思考,并且提出了新的数学教学观念和新的教学思路.

Creative Characteristics and Enlightenment
of The Test of College Entrance Examination in Recent Years

Abstract:  In recent years, the reforms in college entrance examination appear in each place. Experts on design for college entrance examination actively explore the creative design for the examination. In view of the reform of the examination, this thesis mainly discusses six creative characteristics of mathematics test of college entrance examination in recent years all over the country. The creative examination mainly check students learning ability, application ability, the ability to explore, the ability to innovate and the comprehensive quality. According to the characteristics of creative design of college entrance examination, this thesis arouses the thought for middle school mathematics teaching and proposes new mathematics teaching idea and new teaching train of thoughts.
Key words: college entrance examination of mathematics;creative test;innovation in teaching

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