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2013-10-02 01:14
导读:数学论文毕业论文,奥运会商场的设计与规划在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘要





This article mainly solves the Olympic Games market design and plan question of Beijing in 2008.The base material elects from the national university student mathematics modeling to compete the A topic in 2004.
According to three investigations data, the statistical computation massive samples are going on a journey, dine, and so on expense proportion and draw the histogram, summarizes rule. Then main body when going on a journey chooses the most short-path the situation, uses the c++ procedure to calculate people who passes through various business area, again multiplies by goes toward various destinations population percentage, obtains a matrix. It expressed who passed through each business area to go toward the different destination human number of times. Crosswise adds together obtains passes through each business area total Stream of people ratio . Finally , set up the equation of planning and ask solving . Regard three basic demand as the condition of restraining, list to flow of the people and amount of consumption most customer satisfaction and most heavy to make profits for goal many target planning equation of function more respectively. After the goal weighting is regulated ,the last result is got to . 


This article has carried on the massive mathematics operation in the problem solving process, uses the auxiliary software has Access, Excel and matlab.

Keywords: Much target planning;  Short out in the foot-path most;   calculated weighting;   Statistical analysis

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