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2013-10-05 01:40
导读:数学论文毕业论文,积和式性质定理及应用样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘要



关键字:积和式;行列式; 0-1矩阵


The theory of combination-matrix is a mathematic branch which emerges recent years . It proves the combinative theorem through theory of matrix and the linear algebra; and it also carries on the description and the classification to the built-up section. In order to studies well with the matrix to describes the combination question, it introduces a invariable of matrix---accumulates with the type. The first part is foreword, In the second part, this paper illustrates the definition and the history of the Permanent of matrix, and some basic characteristics of Permanent, including the comparison of Permanent and Determinant in some characteristics. In the third part,it mainly introduces the Laplace theorem and other theorems of Permanent and their proof. Finally it introduces some application questions of Permanent and the concept of the generalized Permanent, including the application of Permanent in combination- theory.

Keywords:Permanent; Determinant ;0-1 matrix

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