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2013-10-06 01:12
导读:数学论文毕业论文,连锁超市买二送一活动销售策略与分析论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘 

摘 要


[关键词] 连锁超市;买2送1;促销;利润。


The Chain-Supermarkets, as a revolution of world retail, have been booming all over China. However, the low level of normalization in this field is a reality with which we must face in China. Most of the Chain-Supermarkets enterprises, still, have not formed a mature management system in operation, which has become an obstacle in development of the Chinas Chain-Supermarkets operation. New situation calls out new theory. And the Chain-Supermarkets long for scientific profit model for their decision-making.        
As an exploration to scientific sales management of Chain-Supermarkets, this paper analyses all the cost elements related to the profits and the relation among the elements, and establishes regular sales pattern and promotion sales pattern, aiming at the promotion activity of “buy 2 free 1”in the Chain-Supermarkets. And a flexible measure for the profits accounting is probed. In the process of Chain-Supermarkets operation, it is not reliable to assess the profits by the experience, but by a reasonable model. By comparing the regular sales profits with promotion sales ones, and analyzing the reasonability and restriction of promotion, this paper reaches a conclusion: the initial profits of “buy 2 free 1” sales strategy are bigger than regular sales profits, but unfavorable if last long, and gives suggestions accordingly.

[Keywords] Chain-Supermarkets; Buy 2 free 1; promotion; profit


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